Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Music Video - Locations.

(improved - more detail about the chosen locations; what the locations connote; the effect and tone that they could have on the audience)
Originally we had only focused on one location because of the metaphor that the lyrics created, however we decided in order to keep the narrative more realistic we would include other parts of the characters lives. Using different locations also makes the video more interesting and leaves us able to tie in both the performance and narrative aspects of our video.

Our locations include:
  • an old style classroom, we're planning on using one of the classrooms at school, which has separate desks - this will provide the examination feel to the room.

The classroom we're planning to use doesn't look exactly like the image below, because many classrooms have been refitted to look modern, however there are classroom within our school that have an older more traditional feel to them. Although, many of the classrooms within the school have white boards, and this is a modern instalment - we're planning on using a blackboard on an easel and we're hoping to create a display that we can cover the white board with, so it doesn't contradict the older/traditional tone.

The use of an older classroom will create the feel of nostalgia - some audience members will have good memories about school and some will have bad memories of school; both of these memories are shown through this single location, because a relationship is forming however the situation in which it happens isn't appropriate because they're in an exam. The whole video shows these good and bad memories, because although not directly linked to school, the older classroom takes people back - perhaps to times that weren't so good, this makes the characters and the narrative relatable to the audience in their own personal way.

  • a gig venue

As it's difficult to film in a gig venue, mainly because of the lighting, we're planning on filming in a smaller gig venue where there are local bands playing - somewhere with a more relaxed atmosphere. This will not only be easier to film and we'll be able to film in better quality, but the smaller venue will give a sense of intimacy which, at first will reflect the relationship between the boy and the girl; later within the video, the sense of intimacy that the smaller venue will create - will almost feel like oppression because the only way the boy can avoid the girl is to the leave the venue entirely.

The smaller venue could have different connations to different audience members, as on one side the audience could sense intimacy and love, but on the other hand the closeness could create the tone of oppression and claustrophia; this difference of opinion could be decided on the consumers personal experiences on relationships. Not only could the room/location itself, potentionally, create either the sense of intimacy or oppression, but the crowd of people within the venue could as well - because if there are many people in a small venue, it is harder to move and for people to leave; there is also a greater sense of escape when you finally get out the door.

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