Monday 6 July 2009

Music Video Research: Audience.

What did we do this morning?

We asked a group of young people from our college to watch four different types of music video's.

What did you want to find out?

We wanted to see what our audience liked and disliked about the music video's they saw and what they would want to see in a music video.

What did you find out?

I found out that the audience wanted video's that reflected the genre of the music. Certain members of the audience like the realistic urban location shown in the 'Aphex Twins' music video. Many members didn't want the video to be really repetitive, such as "Boogie Pimp's" video which many people said was "boring".

What could you have done to make the survey more effective?

We could have a bigger contrast in audience, as many people liked similar music and therefore we didn't have very many contrasting ideas about what people liked. Also, with some of the questions, we could have pursued them more and found out why people thought what they did, for instance; 'why did you find the 'Aphex Twins' video interesting?'

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