Monday 6 July 2009

Thriller Music Video Notes.

Artist: Michael Jackson
Director: John Landis

Media Forms and Conventions:

-strong promotion of artist, close up on his face.
-rule of thirds.


-Chiascuro lighting, genre of movie.
-Contrast; upbeat music and spooky mise~en~scene.
-Lyrics linked with genre.
-Haunted House, weak girl.
-Zombies can move to the dancing.

Narrative Structure:

-Have they left the movie? reality and fantasy mixed.
-Diegetic sound from zombies.
-Performance and narrative.


-Opening shot, reference to cinema, Vincent Price.
-Background music, spooky sounds.
-Cliche horror.
-Third Man, Harry Lime climbing from man hole.
-The Shining, "here's Jonny"


-Equal, not stereotyped race.
-Woman was weak.
-Traditional ending.
-Very 80's, big shoulder pads, big hair.


-For mass audiences, every can relate.


-Special effects, not CGI

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