Thursday 9 July 2009


Name: Lauren Jordan

Date of Proposal: 1/7/2009

Topic: "To what extent do people feel they have to conform to the lifestyle that R&B portrays?"

Reason for choosing this topic:

*To see how audiences react to R&B music.
*To see how the media portray R&B music and how the artists themselves portray/promote R&B music.
What do you expect to find out?
*How audiences conform or don't conform to the R&B lifestyle.
*What stereotypes people have of R&B music and the lifestyle.
How will it help develop understanding for the Year 13 coursework?
Research will help see how people consume music and their views on other people's music and whether they think that music in an influential part of people's lives.
How will you express your findings? (blog, essay, video, audio podcast)
*Blog entries.
*Mood boards/mindmaps.

1 comment:

  1. The music investigation into your topic was never fully realised. So for the investigation my records indicate basic understanding.

    Lower Level 2.
