Wednesday 24 March 2010

Audience Research: Target Audience Profile

This mindmap reflects what I believe our target audience to be like; what television channels they like, what their personality is like, what type of music they listen to, etc. is website in which you can answer a questionnaire and find out what "tribe" or stereotype you belong to; more often than not, you are part of one stereotype, yet have elements of other stereotypes.

I completed the questionnaire on as a member of my audience and what I believe they would like, especially in terms of wanting to be individual. The result was "Hipster" who is someone that is ahead of the rest of the population in terms of creativity (such as music, arts). I agree with this stereotype to a certain degree because the audience for our genre, would have a sense of individuality, however there are other ideas that contrast what I believe our audience to be like; for instance, the not using social networking sites and finding completely new music/art/clothing all the time. The indie/pop genre, although being alternative and individual, like to belong and I don't believe they would stray and become too alternative because they want individualism, not isolation.

Due to indie/pop genre being a subculture, didn't incorporate the fact that I was answering the questionnaire from a subgenre point of view rather than overhead genre; there were certain questions where there were two options that I would've chosen, however I was only able to choose one of the options and had to decide whether I was the indie or the pop side of the subculture. The individualism of the "Hipster" doesn't reflect the conformist nature of the pop genre, which makes it seem as though "Hipster" is more relevant to the indie side of the genre. "Hipster" showed elements of a "Craft Kid" which is someone who makes things and changes clothing and bags to make them unique. This doesn't reflect the pop genre either, because of the unique/alternative nature of standing out and essentially being isolated isn't relevant to the conformist pop genre. reflected one side of my subgenre more strongly, than the other half, however, I believe that the indie side of the genre is more dominant than the pop half, because of how the band dress and style their hair.

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