Monday 15 March 2010

Summer Investigation: Focus Group Questionnaire

1.) Age:

0-16 16-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40+

2.) Gender:

Male Female

3.) Do you illegally download music, using sites such as Limewire?

Yes No


4.) Do you think that free legal download programmes, such as Spotify, are a good way to deter people from illegal downloads?

Yes No


5.) Are illegal downloads programmes easier to access than legal download programmes?

Yes No

6.) Would you prefer to download music and access it quickly or buy a hard copy in CD form?

Download CD


7.) Is the cost of CDs and legal downloads from iTunes too expensive?

Yes No

And do you believe that music industry should create cheaper music?

Yes No

8.) What impact do you think illegal downloads are having on the music industry and the bands personally?

9.) How do you find out about new bands and unsigned bands?

10.) How do you consume your music?

CD Tape Vinyl Internet (illegal) iTunes Radio

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