Monday 22 March 2010

Summer Investigation: Research

In order to research my topic I used different types of media. Using questionnaires and internet research I was able to see what the internet community and a small focus group thought of illegal downloads.

I used the social networking site because I thought that this would reach a larger number of consumers and that collecting information would be easier. However, I don't think this was an appropriate method to use, because it is only possible to get results if people read the questionnaire and answer it, whereas if the target group answer them in person you have the answers instantaneously. Although there were problems with remote research on the internet, the collection of data was easier because I received emails when a user had responded to the questionnaire. This made the collection of data easier and gave me access to a wider demographic, but narrowed the respondents down to those under the age of 25years as I only had access to people on my friends list on "facebook" which the majority are under 25years. Another issue with using a social networking site was that, because of the lack of response, there was only a small focus group; however it was equally spilt between male and female, which was helpful because it appeared more of a balanced arguments and I was able to see what each gender believed. The small number of participants, however made it difficult to have substantial agreements/disagreements because it was only a small number of participants opinions; in order to see the bigger picture it would have been better if more consumers had participated.

However, through internet research I was able to use the opinions of people that were over the age of 25 and have experience in the area of music; for instance, I was able to read articles from The Guardian and Daily Times. Through using two different types of research through the same channel (the internet) I was able to receive opinions from both over 25's and under 25's and also people with experience and without; however their opinions all met a similar idea, that illegal downloads are big problem, but the price of music certainly isn't deterring consumers from doing it.

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